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Vol. 1, No. 3
Marsden, Dora (editor)
London: The New Freewoman, Ltd., 1913-07-15 20 p.; 31.5 x 21 cm
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Contents Contents: 41-41
Democracy: 41-43
Views and Comments: 43-45
The Belief in Personal Immortality. Book Review of 'The Belief in Personal Immortality' by E. S. P. Haynes and 'The Invincible Alliance' by Francis Grierson (West, Rebecca): 45-47
The Eclipse of Woman. White Slavery. III (F. R. A. I.): 47-48
Paris Notes (Tucker, Benjamin R.): 49-50
Gerald Stanley Lee. A Book Review of 'Crowds: A Study of the Genius of Democracy and of the Fears, Desires, and Expectations of the People' by Gerald Stanley Lee (Upward, Allen): 50-51
Religion and Make-Believe (Blount, Godfrey): 51-53
A Palimpsest (Carter, Huntly): 53-54
Private Morality and Public Life (Foss, William): 54-55
The Literature of the Theatre. Book Reviews of 'The Play of To-day' by Elizabeth R. Hunt, 'Shakespeare in the Theatre' by William Poel, 'The Civic Theatre' by Percy Mackaye, 'Henrik Ibsen: Poet, Mystic, and Moralist,' 'The Joy of the Theatre' by Gilbert Cannan, and 'Poetry and Drama'—June (Carter, Huntly): 55-57
Correspondence. Note to Correspondents (Ed. of "The New Freewoman"): 57-57
Correspondence. Neo-Malthusianism and the Women's Question (W. R. B.): 57-58
Magazine Notes (Ed. of "The New Freewoman"): 58-58
Advertisements: 47-48
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