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1910 — 1922
Vol. 4, No. 3
Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt (editor)
New York: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1912-07-01 52 p.; 22.9 x 15.2 cm.
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Contents Cover Image. Photograph of a Woman, Framed by Columns: 105-105
Front Advertisements: 106-106
Contents: 107-107
Along the Color Line: 111-117
Men of the Month: 118-120
Opinion: 121-124
The N. A. A. C. P.: 125-128
Editorial: 129-132
The Year in Colored Colleges: 133-136
The Montessori Method—Its Possibilities (Fauset, Jessie): 136-138
The Faiths of Teachers (Dickerman, G. S.): 139-142
'The White Man's Burden' (Nutter, Charles S.): 142-142
General Evaristo Estenoz (Schomburg, Arthur A.): 143-144
Protection (M. W. O): 144-144
Women's Clubs. A Social Center at Hampton, Va.: 145-146
Historic Days in July: 146-146
The Burden: 147-147
'I Met a Little Blue-Eyed Girl' (Johnston, Bertha): 148-148
Letter Box (Harris, Esau): 148-149
Publisher's Chat: 149-149
Back Advertisements: 150-156
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