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1914 — 1919
Vol. 1, No. 13
Weaver, Harriet Shaw (editor)
London: The New Freewoman, Ltd., 1914-07-01 20 p.; 31.5 x 21 cm
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Contents Contents: 241-241
Just and Moral (Marsden, Dora): 241-244
Views and Comments (D. M.): 244-246
Mist (Radford, Margaret Maitland): 246-246
Reviews. of 'Poetry: A Magazine of Verse,' 'North of Boston' by Robert Frost, and 'Blast' (Aldington, Richard): 247-248
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Chapter II (cont.) (Joyce, James): 248-251
Passing Paris (Saint Fiacre): 251-252
Liberations: Studies of Individuality in Contemporary Music. Erik Satie and the Ironic Spirit. V (Henry, Leigh): 252-254
Suffragettes (von Helmholtz, Bastien): 254-256
Revelations: 256-257
The New Driving Force (Carter, Huntly): 257-258
Correspondence. The Unconscious Self (Hatfield, H. Stafford): 258-259
Correspondence. The Origin of Distrust of Pleasure (Harpur, Caldwell): 259-259
Advertisements: 260-260
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