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1914 — 1919
Vol. 5, No. 3
Weaver, Harriet Shaw (editor)
London: The New Freewoman, Ltd., 1918-03-01 16 p.; 31.5 x 21 cm
Vol. 5, No. 3
Weaver, Harriet Shaw (editor)
London: The New Freewoman, Ltd., 1918-03-01 16 p.; 31.5 x 21 cm
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Contents: 33-33
Lingual Psychology. The Constitution of the World and the Character of Our Scientific Knowledge. XV (Marsden, D.): 33-37
Passing Paris (Ciolkowska, Muriel): 38-38
To My Head Clerk (Barry, Iris): 38-38
Literature and the American Courts (Eliot, T. S.): 39-39
Les Saisons. III (Aeschimann, Paul): 39-39
Liberations: Studies of Individuality in Contemporary Music. Déodat de Séverac, A Modern Pastoral Poet in Music. XII (cont.) (Henry, Leigh): 40-41
Pictures in the Hermitage in Petrograd (Symons, Arthur): 41-43
Verse Pleasant and Unpleasant (Apteryx): 43-44
The French Word in Modern Prose. Francis de Miomandre. IX (Ciolkowska, Muriel): 44-45
The New God (Fletcher, J. G.): 45-46
First Love (J.): 46-47
Correspondence. Disowning Captain Arthur Eliot (Eliot, T. S.): 47-47
Announcements: 47-47
Advertisements: 37-37
Lingual Psychology. The Constitution of the World and the Character of Our Scientific Knowledge. XV (Marsden, D.): 33-37
Passing Paris (Ciolkowska, Muriel): 38-38
To My Head Clerk (Barry, Iris): 38-38
Literature and the American Courts (Eliot, T. S.): 39-39
Les Saisons. III (Aeschimann, Paul): 39-39
Liberations: Studies of Individuality in Contemporary Music. Déodat de Séverac, A Modern Pastoral Poet in Music. XII (cont.) (Henry, Leigh): 40-41
Pictures in the Hermitage in Petrograd (Symons, Arthur): 41-43
Verse Pleasant and Unpleasant (Apteryx): 43-44
The French Word in Modern Prose. Francis de Miomandre. IX (Ciolkowska, Muriel): 44-45
The New God (Fletcher, J. G.): 45-46
First Love (J.): 46-47
Correspondence. Disowning Captain Arthur Eliot (Eliot, T. S.): 47-47
Announcements: 47-47
Advertisements: 37-37