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1897 — 1898
No. 5
Oldmeadow, Ernest J. (editor)
London: The Unicorn Press, 1898-05-01 106 p.; 20.3 x 14.9 cm.
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Contents Contents: 3-4
Ancienne Porte de la Palais de Justice (Méryon, Charles): 7-7
La Morgue (Méryon, Charles): 9-9
Tour Dite de Marat (Méryon, Charles): 11-11
Le Stryge (Méryon, Charles): 13-13
The Paris of Méryon (White, Gleeson): 15-22
From the Parapet (Horton, W. T.): 23-23
Au Coin du Feu (Vielé-Griffin, Francis): 26-28
In the Strand. I-II (Binyon, Laurence): 29-29
The Poison Tree (Housman, Laurence): 30-30
In the Streets (Phillips, Stephen): 31-31
Prologue: Before the Theatre (Symons, Arthur): 32-33
Tom o' Bedlam's Song (Thompson, Francis): 34-36
Aodh to Dectora: Three Songs (Yeats, W. B.): 37-38
Children of the Dark Star (Macleod, Fiona): 39-58
The White King (Dodgson, Campbell): 60-70
Equestrian Portrait of Maximilian I (Burgkmair, Hans): 71-71
The Young White King Learns Black Magic (Burgkmair, Hans): 73-73
The Young White King Learns French from the Queen of Feuereisen (Beck, Leonhard): 75-75
The Prison of the King of the Dragon (Burgkmair, Hans): 77-77
The Enchanted Sea (Payne, H. A.): 79-79
Beauty and the Beast (Shaw, Byam): 81-81
Ploughing in the Nivernaise (Bonheur, Rosa): 83-83
An English Bayreuth (Blackburn, Vernon): 86-88
Pensiero Elegiaco (Levi, Edgardo): 89-89
Tears (Landor, Walter Savage): 90-91
Advertisements: 92-99
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