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1911 — 1917
Vol. 4, No. 3
Eastman, Max (editor)
New York: The Masses Publishing Co., 1912-12-01 20 p.; 31 x 22.5 cm.
Vol. 4, No. 3
Eastman, Max (editor)
New York: The Masses Publishing Co., 1912-12-01 20 p.; 31 x 22.5 cm.
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Cover Image: Fortune Teller with Crystal Ball (Winter, Charles A.): 1-1
Contents: 2-2
Contributing Editors: 2-2
Editorial Advertisement. This Is What It Costs to Publish The Masses: 2-2
Editorial Notice: 3-3
His Country's Flag (Sloan, John): 4-4
Knowledge and Revolution: Editorials (Eastman, Max): 5-6
Foolish Female Fashions (Wood, Eugene): 7-7
Millionaires: 7-7
The Lion of Germany: An Interview with August Bebel (Klein, Nicholas): 8-8
Satire (Seltzer, Thomas): 9-9
A Trick of the Trade (Jones, Ellis O.): 9-9
Sir Algernon Goop-Smith on America's Peril: An Interview (McMahon, John R.): 9-9
A Fable (Gillmore, Inez Haynes): 9-9
The Freedom of the Press: A Cartoon (Young, Arthur): 10-11
The Two-Faced Goddess (Vorse, Mary Heaton): 12-14
Lyrics. The Poetry of Earth (Untermeyer, Louis): 14-14
Lyrics. At the Aquarium (Eastman, Max): 14-14
The Worship of Mammon (Young, Art): 14-14
A Compulsory Religion (Young, Arthur): 15-15
The Way You Look at It (Winslow, Horatio): 16-16
'Quit cher bellerin'!' (Winter, Alice Beach): 17-17
Religion for Our Time (Weeks, Rufus W.): 18-18
'Yes, I know they are copying the pictures...' (Turner, H. J.): 18-18
Contributors to the Masses: 19-19
Back Cover Image. 'Can't You Wait 'Til Christmas?' (Becker, Maurice): 20-20
Contents: 2-2
Contributing Editors: 2-2
Editorial Advertisement. This Is What It Costs to Publish The Masses: 2-2
Editorial Notice: 3-3
His Country's Flag (Sloan, John): 4-4
Knowledge and Revolution: Editorials (Eastman, Max): 5-6
Foolish Female Fashions (Wood, Eugene): 7-7
Millionaires: 7-7
The Lion of Germany: An Interview with August Bebel (Klein, Nicholas): 8-8
Satire (Seltzer, Thomas): 9-9
A Trick of the Trade (Jones, Ellis O.): 9-9
Sir Algernon Goop-Smith on America's Peril: An Interview (McMahon, John R.): 9-9
A Fable (Gillmore, Inez Haynes): 9-9
The Freedom of the Press: A Cartoon (Young, Arthur): 10-11
The Two-Faced Goddess (Vorse, Mary Heaton): 12-14
Lyrics. The Poetry of Earth (Untermeyer, Louis): 14-14
Lyrics. At the Aquarium (Eastman, Max): 14-14
The Worship of Mammon (Young, Art): 14-14
A Compulsory Religion (Young, Arthur): 15-15
The Way You Look at It (Winslow, Horatio): 16-16
'Quit cher bellerin'!' (Winter, Alice Beach): 17-17
Religion for Our Time (Weeks, Rufus W.): 18-18
'Yes, I know they are copying the pictures...' (Turner, H. J.): 18-18
Contributors to the Masses: 19-19
Back Cover Image. 'Can't You Wait 'Til Christmas?' (Becker, Maurice): 20-20