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1911 — 1917
Vol. 4, No. 10
Eastman, Max (editor)
New York: The Masses Publishing Co., 1913-07-01 20 p.; 34.5 x 27.5 cm.
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Contents Cover Image: The Return from Toil (Sloan, John): 1-1
Contributing Editors: 2-2
Editorial Advertisements: 2-2
Front Advertisements: 2-2
A Farmer's Woman (Reed, John): 3-3
'They Who Bend to Power and Lap Its Milk' (Young, Art): 4-4
Knowledge and Revolution (Eastman, Max): 5-6
Poisoned at the Source (Young, Art): 6-6
The Third Magus (McCoy, Samuel): 7-7
Spiritual Forces (Sloan, John): 7-7
Rise like Lions after Slumber (Winter, Charles A.): 8-8
Adam and Sunday (Brown, Robert Carlton): 9-9
Splinter Beach (Bellows, George): 10-11
'Tis of Thee (Field, Mary): 12-12
'Please, a Flower—for the Baby' (Winter, Alice Beach): 13-13
Forward—Backward? (Young, Art): 14-14
Impossible (H. W.): 14-14
Superior Inferiority (Seltzer, Thomas): 14-14
The Double-Twisted Crab (Scratchowski, Dante Gabrilovitz): 14-14
A Dissertation on Virtue (Winslow, Horatio): 14-14
Boosting the Outcast (H. W.): 15-15
Mother Gooselet (M. F.): 15-15
Adv. (Dorr, Rheta Childe): 15-15
Ins and Outs (Henle, James): 15-15
Sabotage: 15-15
Exercise for Women (Brubaker, Howard): 15-15
'My Dear—Do You Know This Whole Suffrage Movement Is Nothing But a Sex Appeal' (Becker, Maurice): 15-15
What the Milliondollar Baby Wanted (Winslow, Horatio): 16-16
Friend in Need (H. W.): 16-16
Press Pearls: 16-16
A Little Correction (Henle, James): 16-16
Vice Versa (T. O'S): 16-16
Anti-Political Actionists Take Notice (Sloan, John): 17-17
Another Case of Ingratitude (Reed, John): 17-17
Back Advertisements: 18-19
Any City (Untermeyer, Louis): 20-20
Back Cover Image (Davis, Stuart): 20-20
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