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1911 — 1917
Vol. 5, No. 12
Eastman, Max (editor)
New York: The Masses Publishing Co., 1914-09-01 24 p.; 34.5 x 27.5 cm.
Vol. 5, No. 12
Eastman, Max (editor)
New York: The Masses Publishing Co., 1914-09-01 24 p.; 34.5 x 27.5 cm.
change view:
Cover Image. Whom the Gods Would Destroy They First Make Mad (Becker, Maurice): 1-1
Contributing Editors: 2-2
Front Advertisements: 2-2
Since the Declaration of War (Young, Arthur): 3-3
'You Will Pardon Me, Messieurs' (Chamberlain, K. R.): 4-4
Knowledge and Revolution (Eastman, Max): 5-7
After the War (Young, Arthur): 5-5
And All the Pennies Going to Buy War-Extras! (Barns, Cornelia): 7-7
The War Smell (Boyle, James): 8-9
'Brain or Brawn?' (Barns, Cornelia): 9-9
The Trouble in Butte (Rhea, M.): 10-11
Can He Save Her? (Becker, Maurice): 11-11
'What Is Left of You Can Go Back To Work' (Sloan, John): 12-13
No Jingoism Here!: 14-14
The Dumping-Ground: 14-14
A Stirring Week: 14-14
Distinguished Conduct: 14-14
Laugh It Off (Hall, Bolton): 14-14
'What Inhuman Brutes These Europeans Are!' (Becker, Maurice): 14-14
A Menace to Morality: 14-14
On the Waiting List: 14-14
True, If Interesting: 14-14
Fashion Note: 14-14
The Importance of Being a Good Dog: 15-15
Economy: 15-15
Dangerous Foreigners: 15-15
The Drug Clerk (Tietjens, Eunice): 15-15
The Traders' War: 16-17
A Good Lawyer: 17-17
The Time Has Come: 17-17
Open Shop Feminism. Book Review of 'The Precipice' by Elia W. Peattie: 17-17
How to Win a Case (Young, Arthur): 17-17
Friends and Enemies: 17-17
Apology: 17-17
Speaking of Women—: 17-17
Two Women (Eastman, Max): 18-18
Practical: 18-18
Weak Spots: 18-18
Leaders of Revolts: 18-18
Neutrality Maintained: 18-18
Rockaway Beach (Kemp, Harry): 18-18
'Socialism Is the Menace to Our Civilization!' (Chamberlain, K. R.): 19-19
Prophetic Reflections: 20-20
Sign of the Times: 20-20
'Has It Blown Over, Pop?' (Young, Arthur): 20-20
The Smokers (Endicoff, Max): 20-20
Silver Linings (Brubaker, Howard): 20-20
The End of the War: 20-20
A Message from Prison: 20-20
The Triumph of Militarism (Young, Arthur): 21-21
Back Advertisements: 22-23
Back Cover Image: Wars May Come and Wars May Go— (Glintenkamp, H. G.): 24-24
Contributing Editors: 2-2
Front Advertisements: 2-2
Since the Declaration of War (Young, Arthur): 3-3
'You Will Pardon Me, Messieurs' (Chamberlain, K. R.): 4-4
Knowledge and Revolution (Eastman, Max): 5-7
After the War (Young, Arthur): 5-5
And All the Pennies Going to Buy War-Extras! (Barns, Cornelia): 7-7
The War Smell (Boyle, James): 8-9
'Brain or Brawn?' (Barns, Cornelia): 9-9
The Trouble in Butte (Rhea, M.): 10-11
Can He Save Her? (Becker, Maurice): 11-11
'What Is Left of You Can Go Back To Work' (Sloan, John): 12-13
No Jingoism Here!: 14-14
The Dumping-Ground: 14-14
A Stirring Week: 14-14
Distinguished Conduct: 14-14
Laugh It Off (Hall, Bolton): 14-14
'What Inhuman Brutes These Europeans Are!' (Becker, Maurice): 14-14
A Menace to Morality: 14-14
On the Waiting List: 14-14
True, If Interesting: 14-14
Fashion Note: 14-14
The Importance of Being a Good Dog: 15-15
Economy: 15-15
Dangerous Foreigners: 15-15
The Drug Clerk (Tietjens, Eunice): 15-15
The Traders' War: 16-17
A Good Lawyer: 17-17
The Time Has Come: 17-17
Open Shop Feminism. Book Review of 'The Precipice' by Elia W. Peattie: 17-17
How to Win a Case (Young, Arthur): 17-17
Friends and Enemies: 17-17
Apology: 17-17
Speaking of Women—: 17-17
Two Women (Eastman, Max): 18-18
Practical: 18-18
Weak Spots: 18-18
Leaders of Revolts: 18-18
Neutrality Maintained: 18-18
Rockaway Beach (Kemp, Harry): 18-18
'Socialism Is the Menace to Our Civilization!' (Chamberlain, K. R.): 19-19
Prophetic Reflections: 20-20
Sign of the Times: 20-20
'Has It Blown Over, Pop?' (Young, Arthur): 20-20
The Smokers (Endicoff, Max): 20-20
Silver Linings (Brubaker, Howard): 20-20
The End of the War: 20-20
A Message from Prison: 20-20
The Triumph of Militarism (Young, Arthur): 21-21
Back Advertisements: 22-23
Back Cover Image: Wars May Come and Wars May Go— (Glintenkamp, H. G.): 24-24