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1900 — 1910
Vol. 16, No. 6
McClure, Samuel Sidney (editor)
New York: The S.S. McClure Co., 1901-04-01 236 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Contents Cover Image. [Three Trees] (Cowles, Maude): A-A
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Contents: adv2-adv2
Frontispiece. 'Lumbering' (Dugmore, A. Radclyffe): 482-482
The Story of the Beaver (Hulbert, William Davenport): 483-496
A Study in Piracy (Daskam, Josephine Dodge): 497-506
Walks and Talks with Tolstoy (White, Andrew D.): 507-518
Deepwater Politics (McHenry, May): 518-525
Disbanding of the Confederate Army (Tarbell, Ida M.): 526-538
The Break in 'Turpentine' (Lefèvre, Edwin): 539-551
Limitations: A Chicago Episode (Wyatt, Edith): 551-552
Kim. Chapters VI-VII (Kipling, Rudyard): 553-570
In the World of Graft. "York," A Dishonest City (Flynt, Josiah): 570-576
Next to the Ground. Ploughing. II (McCulloch-Williams, Martha): 577-584
The Factory Whistle (McIntyre, John): 584-584
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