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1900 — 1910
Vol. 23, No. 5
McClure, Samuel Sidney (editor)
New York: The S. S. McClure Co., 1904-09-01 248 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Contents Cover Image. [Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt]: A-A
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Contents: adv3-adv3
Frontispiece: Illustration for 'In the Closed Room': 'She began to mount the stairs' (Smith, Jessie Willcox): 450-450
Memories of the Beginning and End of the Southern Confederacy (Wright, Louise Wigfall): 451-464
Babe Randolph's Turning-Point (Wason, Robert Alexander): 464-469
In the Closed Room. Part II (Burnett, Frances Hodgson): 470-481
The House of Fulfilment. Part III, Chapters IV-IX (Martin, George Madden): 481-491
One Hundred Masterpieces of Painting. Triumphs (Part I). V (La Farge, John): 491-497
The Friendly Fog (Rowland, Henry C.): 499-506
Roosevelt and the Postal Frauds (White, William Allen): 506-520
The Realm of Enchantment (Adams, Samuel Hopkins): 520-532
The History of the Standard Oil Company: Part Two. The Price of Oil. Chapter VII (Tarbell, Ida): 532-548
The Chump (Embree, Charles Fleming): 549-559
To a Wood Path (Wilkinson, Florence): 560-560
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