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1910 — 1922
Vol. 52, No. 2
Nathan, George Jean (editor)
New York: Smart Set Company, Inc., 1917-06-01 156 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Songs of an Evil Wood (Dunsany, Lord): 1-2
The Shuyler Scandal (Barrett, Lilian Foster): 3-24
The Time to Die (Carlton, Augustus): 25-26
Everyone Does it Once (Fox, Paul Hervey): 27-36
Genesis (Lee, Muna): 36-36
The Sins of the Four Hundred. The Climbers. V: 37-42
No. 3 C (Bolling, Bertha): 42-42
Watchful Waiting (Richardson, Anna Steese): 43-48
Chivalry (Hunt, Henry Hugh): 48-48
Artists (Hostetter, Van Vechten): 49-58
Fashionable Fiction (Nicholson, J. Kenyon): 58-58
The Enchanted Night (Young, James Nicholas): 59-59
Lines on a Load of Hay (Divine, Charles): 60-60
The Supreme Humiliation (Royal, James): 61-65
Imprisoned (Wagstaff, Blanche Shoemaker): 65-65
To-morrow (Gibson, June): 66-66
A Dinner (Morton, David): 66-66
The Romance Hunt (Divine, Charles): 67-74
My Reverie (Davis, Edgar Bennett): 75-75
Sunset (Wilkinson, Marguerite): 75-75
The Genius (Hatteras, Owen): 76-76
Aquarelle (Murphy, E.): 76-76
Old Stuff: A One-Act Play (Dangerfield, Trelawney): 77-82
A Well-Known Don Juan (Winslow, Thyra Samter): 83-89
The Jailor (Woljeska, Helen): 90-90
The Stars in Pawn (Divine, Charles): 90-90
The Morals of the Mormons (Sherwin, Louis): 91-100
The Old Maid (Hunt, Henry Hugh): 100-100
You (Lee, Muna): 100-100
'Helen, Where's My Shirt?' (Wright, Watkins Eppes): 101-108
The Liar (Winter, Louise): 109-112
The End of Everything (Earnshaw, Harry A.): 112-112
Miserere (Young, James Nicholas): 112-112
The Sinister City (Hervey, P. F.): 113-119
How My Husband Must Despise Me (Mason, Laura Kent): 120-120
Unwritten Confessions (Hillis, Natica): 121-125
I Loathe Cats (Hamilton, John): 125-125
Gossip (Ransom, Allan): 126-128
The Season in Survey (Nathan, George Jean): 129-136
La Chaine (Berthet, Marguerite): 137-137
The Plague of Books (Mencken, H. L.): 138-144
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