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1910 — 1922
Vol. 58, No. 1
Nathan, George Jean (editor)
New York: Smart Set Company, Inc., 1919-01-01 148 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Contents Cover Image (Gunn, Archie): A-A
Contents: B-B
The Sunday Morning Sleep Machine (Willdy, Manchester): 1-2
Nocturne (Johns, Orrick): 2-2
Sand (Boyce, Neith): 3-27
The Revolt (Tyler, G. Vere): 28-28
Wives (Drayham, William): 29-34
The Jury (Herron, Vennette): 35-40
Enchanters of Men. A Delilah of the French Stage. 2 (Hall, Thornton): 41-47
The Master Mind (Lord, John F.): 47-47
The Street of Little Poets (O'Brien, Edward J.): 48-48
The Unfinished Parting (Untermeyer, Louis): 48-48
The Rain on the Roof (Folsom, Elizabeth Irons): 49-53
A Feminine Failing (La Forrest, Frank): 53-53
What Was It? (De Salis Schultz, L.): 53-53
Contribution to a Theory of the Intolerable (Munson, Gorham B.): 54-54
A Woman (Wheelock, John Hall): 54-54
The Dark Room (Macklin, G. Frederick): 55-64
Nocturne (Varr, Dennison): 64-64
The Successor to Mr. Hennerby (Hecht, Ben): 65-72
Love Me, Love My Dog (Speyer, Lady): 73-82
The Princess and the Pauper (Effing, Thomas): 82-82
Adam to Eve (Kemp, Harry): 82-82
The Flight (Roth, Samuel): 83-85
True Love (Hamilton, John): 86-86
The One Fact About Love (Bartlett, Randolph): 87-91
An Angle of Reflection (Temple, James T.): 91-91
The Price of Respectibility (fiction): 92-92
Inheritance (Flexner, Hortense): 92-92
Soot (Hunt, Henry Hugh): 93-94
An Interior (Hall, Amanda Benjamin): 94-94
Dawn (Haines, Donal Hamilton): 95-108
Winter (Drake, J. C.): 108-108
In Youth (Williams, Oscar C.): 108-108
A Perfectly Usual Story (Lazar, Maurice): 109-113
The Hay Rake's Progress (Mitchell, T. F.): 113-113
I Met the Rain (Driscoll, Louise): 114-114
You Can Get Away With a Lot (Winslow, Thyra Samter): 115-127
One Individual's Way (Saher, Max): 127-127
Triolet (Jenkins, George B.): 127-127
The Obtuse Gendarmie (Wellman, John F.): 128-128
Houses (Jennings, Leslie Nelson): 128-128
La Pipe (Terrade, Albert): 129-130
The End of a Perfect Dane (Nathan, George Jean): 131-137
Nothing Much is Here, Alas! (Mencken, H. L.): 138-144
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