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1910 — 1922
Vol. 59, No. 2
Nathan, George Jean (editor)
New York: Smart Set Company, Inc., 1919-06-01 148 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Contents Cover Image (Gunn, Archie): A-A
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Contents: 1-1
Poets (Merkle, Robert): 2-2
The Brookfield Mystery: A Complete Novelette (Wayne, Charles Stokes): 3-36
The Surrender (Hussey, L. M.): 37-44
Repetition Generale (Nathan, George Jean): 45-50
Chapter in the History of a Great City (Hostetter, Van Vechten): 51-57
Gitanillo (Lee, Muna): 57-57
Afternoon Tea (Weaver, John V. A.): 58-58
The Other Woman (Barrett, Lilian Foster): 59-65
Genius (Hartswick. F. Gregory): 66-66
Song For a Guitar (Desbach, Glenn Ward): 66-66
For Whom He Fought (Caylor, N. G.): 67-70
Enchanters of Men. A Belle of the Regency. 7 (Hall, Thornton): 71-77
The Kiss (Ryan, Kathryn White): 78-78
The Woman of Forty-Five (Crane, Mifflin): 79-85
Calpurnia's Husband (Leeds, Helen): 86-86
Ending (Bodenheim, Maxwell): 86-86
The Man Hunt: A One-Act Play (Thompson, Harlan): 87-98
A Kiss For the Lout (Hamilton, Gertrude Brooke): 99-107
The Ingrate (Mitchell, T. F.): 107-107
The Visitor (Jenkins, George B.): 108-108
The Fountain (Williams, Oscar C.): 108-108
Dresses (Wellman, Rita): 109-112
Braggart (McClure, John): 112-112
His Mother (Jones, Howard Mumford): 113-120
When I Walked Past the Morning (Twichell, Ward): 120-120
A Museum-Piece (Speyer, Leonora): 121-126
Look Not to Me For Wisdom (Divine, Charles): 126-126
Growing Pains (Levick, Milnes): 127-128
Les Crepes (Allorge, Henri): 129-130
Roof Shows (Nathan, George Jean): 131-137
The Infernal Mystery (Mencken, H. L.): 138-144
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