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1900 — 1910
Vol. 33, No. 3
McClure, Samuel Sidney (editor)
New York: The S. S. McClure Co., 1909-07-01 212 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Contents Cover Image (Duncan, Walter Jack): A-A
Front Advertisements: B-adv16p
Contents: adv3-adv3
Frontispiece. Portrait of Mr. William Archer: 228-228
Outposts of Empire (Stuart, Eleanor): 229-242
Gettysburg: A Boy's Experience of the Battle (McCreary, Albertus): 243-253
What We Know about Cancer (Hendrick, Burton J.): 254-269
Lillie (Lyon, Harris Merton): 270-276
The Story of a Refomer's Wife (Older, Fremont): 277-293
The Little Harmonizer of His Threefold Nature (Carter, Marion Hamilton): 294-302
A Midland Twilight (Wyatt, Edith): 302-302
Brutality (Colcord, Lincoln): 303-313
Cleveland's Venezuela Message (Parker, George F.): 314-323
Black and White in the South (Kirby, Rollin): 324-338
'If I Have Kept My Heart Sweet' (McNeal-Sweeney, Mildred): 338-338
A Defense of the New Orleans Health Authorities: 339-340
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