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1900 — 1910
Vol. 34, No. 6
McClure, Samuel Sidney (editor)
New York: The S. S. McClure Co., 1910-04-01 284 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Contents Cover Image. [Death of Medusa] (Leyendecker, Frank X.): A-A
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Volume 34 Index: vol34index_i-vol34index_viii
Contents: adv3-adv3
Frontispiece: 'Now You've Sworn at Me' (Edwards, Robert): 588-588
The Adventures of a Modern Prince: Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi (Lara, Rene): 589-604
The Purple Stockings (Field, Edward Salisbury): 605-618
Preventable Blindness (Van Blarcom, Carolyn Conant): 619-628
For the Sake of Her Children (Roberts, Octavia): 629-637
The Kite ('Ole Luk-Oie'): 638-644
At Brady's (Vorse, Mary Heaton): 645-652
Some Modern Ideas on Food (Hendrick, Burton J.): 653-669
Dusk in the Bay of Naples (Stringer, Arthur): 669-669
The Curse of the Heretic (MacManus, Seumas): 670-676
Some Follies in Our Criminal Procedure (Brewer, Charles B.): 677-686
What Whiskey Is (Willis, H. Parker): 687-700
What People Have Said About Whiskey: 700-702
Governor Hughes' Policy of Water Conservation: 703-704
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