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1900 — 1910
Vol. 31, No. 2
McClure, Samuel Sidney (editor)
New York: The S. S. McClure Co., 1908-06-01 246 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Contents Cover Image. [Flowery Design] (Cleland, T. M.): A-A
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Contents: adv3-adv3
Frontispiece. Augustus Saint-Gaudens (Emmet, Ellen): D-D
My First Appearance in America (Terry, Ellen): 121-132
The Decree Made Absolute (Lowndes, Marie Belloc): 133-144
President Johnson and His War on Congress (Schurz, Carl): 145-155
The Crystal-Gazer (Watts, Mary S.): 156-168
Bob, Débutant (Hunting, Henry Gardner): 169-175
Two Portraits by Gilbert Stuart: A Note on a Recent Accession of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Isham, Samuel): 176-178
Mary Baker G. Eddy: The Story of Her Life and the History of Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy's Book and Doctrine. XIV (Milmine, Georgine): 179-189
Her Fruits (Roberts, Mary Eleanor): 189-189
The Key to the Door (Ball, Fielding): 190-198
The Wayfarers. XIX-XXII (Cutting, Mary Stewart): 199-217
The Problems of Suicide (Kennan, George): 218-229
Prairie Dawn (Cather, Willa Sibert): 229-229
The Doings of the Devil (O'Higgins, Harvey J.): 230-236
Young Henry and the Old Man (Oskison, John M.): 237-239
Editorial: The Truth of Orchard's Story: 240-240
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