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1910 — 1922
Vol. 68, No. 1
Nathan, George Jean (editor)
New York: Smart Set Company, Inc., 1922-05-01 148 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Contents Cover Image. [Demon with Damsel] (Rose, A.): A-A
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Contents: 1-1
Bondage (Choyce, A. Newberry): 2-2
The Missing Link (Thaddeus, Victor): 3-4
The Nonpareil: [A Complete Novelette] (Hopper, James): 5-16
Under the Spell (Cresson, Abigail W.): 16-16
The Life of a Hero (Vail, Lawrence): 17-19
The Egotist (Jarrod, Jay): 19-19
The Confessions of an Old Man (Shaw, Charles G.): 20-20
The Daughter (Suckow, Ruth): 21-27
Thomas' End (McClure, John): 27-27
Episode (Tanaquil, Paul): 28-28
Répétition Générale (Mencken, H. L.): 29-37
Finale (Fere, Malory): 38-38
Enchantment (Choyce, A. Newberry): 38-38
The Sins of the Father... (Barrett, Richmond Brooks): 39-45
The Higher Criticism (Gray, James): 46-46
The Six Greatest Moments (Spitzer, Marian): 47-59
The Killdeer (Sterling, George): 60-60
The Higher Learning in America. Cornell. VII (van Loon, Hendrik Willem): 61-67
A Short History of Jacob Small (Seagle, William): 68-68
Ania Zinina (Booth, Augustin): 69-79
The Madhouse at Cairo: [A Fantasy in Dialectics] (McClure, John): 80-82
Romance (Batchelor, Hazel Deyo): 83-88
Hills (Cresson, Abigail W.): 88-88
Good Church People (Hussey, L. M.): 89-95
The Smartest Man in America (Edson, C. L.): 96-102
The Nietzschean Follies. The Jade Rosary. V (Pease, Frank): 103-106
Appreciation (Torcross, John): 106-106
The Wishes That Were Granted (Fohn, M. Powell): 107-110
A Small-Town Episode (Lee, Muna): 111-115
Ad Infinitum (Shaw, Charles G.): 116-116
The Pagan (Choyce, A. Newberry): 116-116
Right Makes Might (Crane, Mifflin): 117-123
The Happiest Time (Brande, Dorothea): 124-130
A Romance of Yesteryear (Saville, André): 130-130
Mr. Shaw's Play for Night-Watchmen (Nathan, George Jean): 131-137
Reflections on Prose Fiction (Mencken, H. L.): 138-144
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