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1910 — 1922
Vol. 69, No. 2
Nathan, George Jean (editor)
New York: Smart Set Company, Inc., 1922-10-01 162 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Contents Cover Image. [Serenading a Beauty]: A-A
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Contents: 2-2
The Proof (Dregant, Manuel): 3-3
The Free Life (Mitchell, T. F.): 4-4
Song (Sterling, George): 4-4
Exhibit A: A Novelette (Armstrong, Harold H.): 5-34
Heart Disease (Shaw, Charles G.): 35-36
Were It Not That Beauty Comes (Riggs, R. Lynn): 36-36
The Son of Sally-Anne (Favrot, George Kent): 37-42
The Fish (Barnes, Louis T.): 42-42
Répétition Générale (Nathan, George Jean): 43-47
Song before Silence (Speyer, Leonora): 47-47
Frustration (Hepler, Hartley H.): 48-48
Song (Marin, Luis Muñoz): 48-48
The Superior Air (Jones, Carter Brooke): 49-54
A Russian (Wright, Cuthbert): 55-58
The End (Cresson, Abigail): 58-58
Harold C. Mills (Darnton, Byron): 59-62
The Higher Learning in America. The University of California. X (Fitzroy, Stephen): 63-68
The Spiritual Adviser (Hamilton, Dorothy): 69-72
A Genius of the Busy Marts (Munyon, Arthur T.): 73-77
Impossible People (Saville, Arthur): 78-78
The Nietzschean Follies. From the Breviary of a Nihilist. IX (Casseres, Benjamin De): 79-81
The Parthian Shot (Hammett, Dashiell): 82-82
Eye Moons (Carneal, Georgie): 82-82
The Romance of Old Port Shane (Thaddeus, Victor): 83-90
Character Study (Torcross, John): 90-90
Platonic (Sabel, M. G.): 90-90
Portraits and the Painter: A Critical Essay (Bloch, Albert): 91-96
The Unique One (Dane, Yardley): 97-100
Chanson Ambigue (O'Neil, George): 100-100
A Boy's Best Friend (Winslow, Thyra Samter): 101-108
My Spottgeist (Finger, Charles J.): 109-118
Tragedy (Gallagher, Marie): 118-118
The Great Adventure of Aleck Johnson (Spitzer, Marian): 119-128
Let Me Love Bright Things! (Choyce, A. Newberry): 128-128
The Fountain of Youth (Hussey, L. M.): 129-130
A Ballet of Opinion (Nathan, George Jean): 131-137
Portrait of an American Citizen (Mencken, H. L.): 138-144
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