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1910 — 1922
Vol. 69, No. 3
Nathan, George Jean (editor)
New York: Smart Set Company, Inc., 1922-11-01 162 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Contents Cover Image. [Two Women] (A. G. L.): A-A
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Contents: 2-2
The Apotheosis of John Smith (Hartswick, F. Gregory): 3-3
The Great Lovers (Hammett, Dashiell): 4-4
The Best of the Lot (Suckow, Ruth): 5-36
The Sacred Name (Rascoe, Burton): 37-38
Conflagration (Kemp, Harry): 38-38
Her Last Fade-Out (Smith, Harry B.): 39-46
Home Town (Wallace, Gordon): 46-46
Répétition Générale (Mencken, H. L.): 47-54
The Rat of One-Night Stands (Tanaquil, Paul): 55-62
The Inner Thralldom (Jones, Carter Brooke): 63-70
Good Friday (Brande, Dorothea): 71-73
Three Business Men (Munyan, Arthur T.): 74-74
In the Making (Gilbert, Morris): 75-79
In the Department of Love (Shaw, Charles G.): 80-80
Club Night (Drake, Carlos C.): 81-88
Payment (Hall, Leonard): 88-88
Six Cold Bottles of Pilsener (Douglas, Ford): 89-96
The Higher Learning in America. Smith College. XI (Guyol, Louise Patterson): 97-106
A West End Tragedy (Hussey, L. M.): 107-116
Americana (Levick, Milnes): 117-119
Chains (Garrison, Theodosia): 119-119
A Judgment (Torcross, John): 120-120
Trans-Atlantic (Choyce, A. Newberry): 120-120
Hattie (Winslow, Thyra Samter): 121-126
En Route (Behrman, S. N.): 127-130
The Various New Plays (Nathan, George Jean): 131-137
Chiefly Pathological (Mencken, H. L.): 138-144
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