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1903 — 1917
No. 24
Stieglitz, Alfred (editor)
New York: Alfred Stieglitz, 1908-10-01 72 p.; 30 x 20 cm.
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Contents Publisher's Page: 1-1
List of Plates by Baron A. de Meyer. I-IV: 3-3
Still Life. Plate I (de Meyer, A.): 5-5
Still Life. Plate II (de Meyer, A.): 7-7
Still Life. Plate III (de Meyer, A.): 9-9
Still Life. Plate IV (de Meyer, A.): 11-11
Pictorial Photography: A Series of Interviews (Besson, George): 13-23
The Camera Point of View in Painting and Photography (Caffin, Charles H.): 23-26
List of Plates by Baron A. de Meyer and William E. Wilmerding. V-VIII: 27-27
Mrs. Brown Potter. Plate V (de Meyer, A.): 29-29
Guitar Player of Seville. Plate VI (de Meyer, A.): 31-31
Study of a Gitana. Plate VII (de Meyer, A.): 33-33
Over the House-Tops: New York. Plate VIII (Wilmerding, William E.): 35-35
Our Illustrations: 37-37
Exhibition Notes: 38-38
Lecture Courses on Pictorial Photography: 38-38
List of Plates by Guido Rey: 39-39
The Letter. Plate IX (Rey, Guido): 41-41
A Flemish Interior. Plate X (Rey, Guido): 43-43
Camera Work for 1909—: 45-45
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