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1903 — 1917
No. 27
Stieglitz, Alfred (editor)
New York: Alfred Stieglitz, 1909-07-01 68 p.; 30 x 20 cm.
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Contents Publisher's Page: 1-1
List of Plates by Herbert G. French. I-V: 3-3
Winged Victory. Plate I (French, Herbert G.): 5-5
Egyptian Princess. Plate II (French, Herbert G.): 7-7
Iris. Plate III (French, Herbert G.): 9-9
Illustration, No. 18. Plate IV (French, Herbert G.): 11-11
Illustration, No. 22. Plate V (French, Herbert G.): 13-13
On Beauty (Wells, H. G.): 17-17
Pamela Colman Smith (de Casseres, Benjamin): 18-20
Seeing Things (Brown, Bolton Coit): 21-23
American Indifference (de Casseres, Benjamin): 24-25
From Edith to Her Friend in Waco, Tex. (Caffin, Charles H.): 25-27
Photo-Secession Notes (Haviland, Paul B.): 27-28
The de Meyer and Coburn Exhibitions (Caffin, Charles H.): 29-30
List of Plates by Clarence H. White and Alfred Stieglitz. I-IV: 31-31
Experiment 27. Plate I (White, Clarence H.): 33-33
Experiment 28. Plate II (White, Clarence H.): 35-35
Miss Mabel C.. Plate III (White, Clarence H.): 37-37
Torso. Plate IV (White, Clarence H.): 39-39
The Maurers and Marins at the Photo-Secession Gallery (Caffin, Charles H.): 41-44
The Measure of Greatness (French, Herbert G.): 45-45
From 'The Critic as Artist' (Wilde, Oscar): 46-46
Our Illustrations: 47-47
To Our Subscribers: 48-48
Advertisements: adv1-adv16
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