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1903 — 1917
No. 40
Stieglitz, Alfred (editor)
New York: Alfred Stieglitz, 1912-10-01 76 p.; 30 x 20 cm.
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Contents Publisher's Page: 1-1
List of Plates by Ad. de Meyer: 3-3
The Cup. Plate I (de Meyer, Ad.): 5-5
The Silver Cup. Plate II (de Meyer, Ad.): 7-7
Marchesa Casati. Plate III (de Meyer, Ad.): 9-9
Miss J. Ranken. Plate IV (de Meyer, Ad.): 11-11
The Nymphenburg Figure. Plate V (de Meyer, Ad.): 13-13
Teddie. Plate VI (de Meyer, Ad.): 15-15
Vague Thoughts on Art (Galsworthy, John): 17-26
List of Plates by Ad. de Meyer: 27-27
Aida, a Maid of Tangier. Plate VII (de Meyer, Ad.): 29-29
From the Shores of Bosphorous. Plate VIII (de Meyer, Ad.): 31-31
A Street in China. Plate IX (de Meyer, Ad.): 33-33
Windows on the Bosphorus. Plate X (de Meyer, Ad.): 35-35
From Van Gogh's Letters (Van Gogh, Vincent): 37-41
A New Form of Literature (Hapgood, Hutchins): 42-42
List of Plates by Ad. de Meyer: 43-43
Mrs. Wiggins of Belgrave Square. Plate XI (de Meyer, Ad.): 45-45
The Balloon Man. Plate XII (de Meyer, Ad.): 47-47
Glass and Shadows. Plate XIII (de Meyer, Ad.): 49-49
The Fountain of Saturn, Versailles. Plate XIV (de Meyer, Ad.): 51-51
Our Illustrations: 45 [53]-45 [53]
To Our Subscribers: 54-54
Advertisements: adv1-adv18
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