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1910 — 1922
Vol. 65, No. 4
Nathan, George Jean (editor)
New York: Smart Set Company, Inc., 1921-08-01 148 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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Contents Cover Image. [Masquerade]: A-A
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Contents: 1-1
Unity (Wheelock, John Hall): 2-2
Mountebanks, Crickets and My Heart (Hanlon, John): 3-3
Recipé for Greatness (Warren, W. L.): 4-4
An Ass Complains (Eldrige, Paul): 4-4
Other Good Fish: A Complete Novelette (Winslow, Thyra Samter): 5-28
Halves (Divine, Charles): 28-28
Reflections (Werner, W. L.): 29-30
Recompense (Lister, Walter B.): 30-30
The Scar (Latzko, Andreas): 31-38
Répétition Générale (Nathan, George Jean): 39-47
The Wound (Tyler, G. Vere): 48-48
Optimism (Eldridge, Paul): 48-48
The History of a Prodigy (Mumford, Lewis): 49-52
Exeunt Omnes (Jennings, Leslie Nelson): 52-52
Blissful Interlude: The (Brinig, Myron): 53-62
Profile (Roberts, W. Adolphe): 62-62
American Luck (Brody, Catharine): 63-67
Novelty (Drake, John C.): 67-67
Wind from the Steppes: The (Scheffauer, Ethel Talbot): 68-68
Yesterday's Leaves (Lewis, Oscar): 69-73
The Quarry (McClure, John): 73-73
Efficiency (Mitchell, T. F.): 74-74
Creed (Tanaquil, Paul): 74-74
The Marriage of Little Eva: A Comedy in One Act (Nicholson, Kenyon): 75-85
Coda (Effing, Thomas): 86-86
A Prayer in Autumn (Boyd, Marion M.): 86-86
Courage (Lister, Walter B.): 87-89
The Old Perplexity (Williams, Oscar): 90-90
Master of Fallen Years (O'Sullivan, Vincent): 91-99
Scylla, Charybdis, Et Al (Gibson, June): 100-100
The Prosaic Conclusion (Benda, Lilith): 101-113
Secret (Driscoll, Louise): 113-113
The Virgin (Solano, Solita): 114-120
Nemaha, Nebraska, 1921 (Lee, Gretchen): 121-122
Legal and Sufficient (Lazar, Maurice): 123-128
Le Rat d'Hotel (Dorneir, Charles): 129-130
Drama as an Art (Nathan, George Jean): 131-137
The South Begins to Mutter (Mencken, H. L.): 138-144
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