Temporal layout of Dora Marsden's little magazines.
The above timeline represents the three magazines that Dora Marsden published and edited (along with Mary Gawthorpe, Harriet Shaw Weaver, Rebecca West, Ezra Pound, Richard Aldington, H. D., Leonard Compton-Rickett, and T. S. Eliot) between November 1911 and December 1919: The Freewoman (11 months: Nov 23 1911 – Oct 10 1912), The New Freewoman (6.5 months: Jun – Dec 1913), and The Egoist (6 years: Jan 1914 – Dec 1919). This timeline offers a convenient way to see the duration of these journals (when they began and ended), as well as their frequency (how often they came out during their lifetime). To ensure that the individual issues of the journals display consistently in the graph, The New Freewoman has been abbreviated as “New Freewm.”
The software we’ve used to produce this timeline comes from Simile Widgets. People interested in creating their own timelines using this open-source software can find instructions here. The MJP timeline consists of just two files: a JSON data file that feeds info about the journals into an html file that displays the timeline.