The four Imagist anthologies, published annually between 1914 and 1917, promoted Imagism as an avant-garde movement and helped turn it into an important force in modern poetry. The Imagist Anthology Collection includes Des Imagistes (1914), ed. Ezra Pound, incl. in The Glebe and subsequent books; Some Imagist Poets (1915), ed. H. D. and Richard Aldington; The 1916 and 1917 successors, ed. Amy Lowell; Catholic Anthology (1915), ed. Ezra Pound in an answer to the first Some Imagist Poets anthology; and the May 1921 issue of Chapbook, with a section parodying Imagist anthologies, called “Pathology des Dommagistes.”

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The four Imagist anthologies, published annually between 1914 and 1917, promoted Imagism as an avant-garde movement and helped turn it into an important force in modern poetry. The Imagist Anthology Collection includes Des Imagistes (1914), ed. Ezra Pound, incl. in The Glebe and subsequent books; Some Imagist Poets (1915), ed. H. D. and Richard Aldington; The 1916 and 1917 successors, ed. Amy Lowell; Catholic Anthology (1915), ed. Ezra Pound in an answer to the first Some Imagist Poets anthology; and the May 1921 issue of Chapbook, with a section parodying Imagist anthologies, called “Pathology des Dommagistes.”

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